About Gary:
Gary the gadget guy or G for short is club penguin's inventor and is one of the smartest characters on club penguin. He's also the tech lead of the Epf the islands secret agency. Gary is a dark blue penguin, with a white lab coat, and spectacles. He enjoys eating fish dish pizza and is best known for drinking lots of coffee. Gary has created countless inventions, saved the island from Herbert, and even helped organize the festival of flight in 2009 and the annual Halloween parties. Gary was one of club penguin's first mascots and has visited the island multiple times ever since.
How To Find Gary:
- Gary is a dark blue penguin with a white lab coat and spectacles.
- Gary can be found in any of the haunted house rooms, coffee shop, town, snow forts, cove, plaza, and the forest.
- Gary logs on to servers with 3-5 green bars during the daytime. He might also be on full servers.
- During least crowded hours check Spanish, French, and Portuguese servers.
- Gary takes breaks once and a while and goes off for 10-15 minutes.
- Some of Gary's favorite servers are Zipline, Deep snow, and Abominable.
- Make sure to check crowded and or full rooms for Gary.
- When you find him, click on the box icon to obtain his autographed background.
- You can also become Garys buddy by clicking on the penguin icon located on the lower left of his playercard.
Gary Finding Tips:
- Our Gary tracker is one hundred percent accurate and is constantly being updated. Refresh the tracker every few seconds for the best results.
- Gary can be on multiple servers at one time.
- If you see a group of penguins lab coats and glasses and everyone's saying "Gary!!!", chances are you have found him.
- Check the party rooms first, on any server, club penguin mascots love these rooms.
- Follow me on twitter as I will give out Gary's location when he has been found.
- Most of all, have fun tracking Gary this month and good luck!
Happy Tracking!
im domo6367. gary add me!!!!!
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