Club Penguin Cheats

On this page you'll find Club Penguin Cheats, glitches, and much more! Club Penguin Cheats can be found all over the island and now with . The following cheats are completely safe and won't get your penguin banned. More Club Penguin Cheats will be added every so often so, check back regularly.

Club Penguin Cheats

How to access the Hidden Lake:
  1. Go to the Forest.
  2. Hover your mouse over the boulder and a secret entrance will appear. 
  3. Enter it and you'll be at the hidden lake. 

How to read old issues of the Club Penguin Times:
  1. Go to the Boiler Room.
  2. Click top cabinet or the newspaper icon on the lower right of your screen.
  3. You can now read any of the previous six newspapers.

How to view the Hydro Hopper at the Cove:
  1. Use your map and go to the cove.
  2. Click on the binoculars located on the life guard stand.
  3. Wait ten seconds for the Hydro Hopper.

How to Play Club Penguin in Low Definition:
  1. Click on the - or + on your keyboard.
  2. Club Penguin will now be in low definition!

How to throw multiple snowballs at one time:
  1. Go to any room.
  2. Press "T" on your keyboard repeatedly.

How to access the book shelf:
  1. Go to the Book Room.
  2. Click the book shelf or red book icon.

How to make your head invisible:
  1. Use your map and go to the iceberg.
  2. Go to your inventory and put the the light blue color on your penguin.
  3. Sit at the following spot displayed below.