Cadence tracker

 Cadence Tracker

  Here are some tips on finding Cadence! Cadence is a pink penguin with purple hair, green headphones, a pink and yellow scarf, white shoes, and a boombox! Cadence has been seen at the Fashion show, Puffle party, Penguin Play Awards, and The Music Jam! Cadence is always crowded so press on your buddy list and press the face with no smile, then find her name and press it and her player card will come up!  Her favorite servers are Yukon, Frozen, Mammoth, and Alaska. The rooms you can meet her in are the Night club, Backstage [The roof of the night club], and Dance lounge! Cadence spends 15 minutes on a server then goes to another one. If you meet her press on her player card and press the box to get a free background! I hope these tips help you find Cadence!
                                Here's Cadence's player card!


Anonymous said...

I want EPF to rise again! >:(

Sweetstar said...

I realy want to see cadence

Sweetstar said...

Cadence plz come online

Anonymous said...

does anyone know where cadence goes in the teen beach movie takeover? Does she go to backstage big mommas, or at the "shimmey shack"?

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