Card-jitsu party cheats 2011

 The Card-jitsu party has been released on the island! Card-jitsu water and fire are competing all over the island! Here are the cheats for this month's party:)
Free items:
 The Card-jitsu party has tons of free items all over the island for nonmembers and members! Here's the first the fire headband:)
 To find the fire head band just log on to club penguin and pick it up at the town! Don't forget to pick this free item up! Also the next free item is at the plaza:)
  The water head band is a must for all water ninja fans! Now we waddle over to the member free items which you can receive by going to the fire dojo at the dock and the water dojo at the forest! Now you may notice that you get get the water and fire training suits here's how!
 You will see targets that are red and blue popping up and down! Now throw them at one color any is fine! 
 Which ever target is hit the most, lets say fire the fire suit will be opened, just click on it to get it! 
If you hit the blue ones the most the water traing suit will appear just click on to receive it!
 Don't for get to pick up the two training suits! Why? You can do an amazing dance when you wear the training suit and the headband:)
 I wonder if a Card-jitsu snow headband and traing suits will be released when card-jitsu snow is released!
Changing the weather:
 An amazing feature has arrived at the card-jitsu party! You can change the weather! How do you do this? Just be with a couple of fire ninjas to turn the sky red:)
 To turn the sky blue just be with a couple of water ninjas on the island:)
 It's awesome of club penguin to add all these features! Let me know if you have tired this yet!
Card-jitsu tournament:
 The card-jitsu tournament has began on the island! Want to compete in it? Just go to the stadium to play card-jitsu with your friends! Here's the entrance of the tournament:)
 The stadium entrance is amazing! Lets take a look at the stadium:)
 To play you need to get as many penguins to one side as possible! Then which ever side has the most penguins is the victor! This is really cool!
Sensei Tracker:
 As you probably know Sensei will be waddleing on the island at the card-jitsu party! Just  Click here to view the Sensei tracker!
Enjoy tracking Sensei at the Card-jitsu party! Let me know if you have found him! Have you enjoyed the Card-jitsu party? Let me know about your adventures at the Card-jitsu party by leaving a comment!


Ronnp09 said...

Gpumpkin, i would borrow some of your pictures please. Thank You!

Gpumpkin said...

Yes, you can borrow some pictures Ronnp09! Which side of the elements are you on? Water or fire? I'm all for water!


Ronnp09 said...


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