Field-op 54

 A new field-op is in the island for all EPF agents!  Report to the command room to receive your orders for field-op 54:)
  Now that you are in the command room click on the yellow screen on thr right hand side of the room:)
  After you have accepted the field op use your map to go to the mine! Now click on left side of the table by puffle rescue:)
 You now click on your spy phone when its green to start the field-op! Now that the fiel-op has pooped up click on engage to start it! 
 Now that you have started the field-op you need to destory the targets to complete it! You only have so much time so do it quickly! Congrats you have completed field-op 54! You wiill now get a message from Gary:)
   It's nice field-ops come back every week! This weeks field-op was awesome! Comment if you completed field-op 54!


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