Meeting Sensei November 2011

As you know Sensei is at the island for the card-jitsu party! Luckily I have found him on the Portuguese server folo de neve at the cove! I took some great photos! Here they are:)
  Whoa! The extreme Sensei stamp! Lets found him in the crowd!
                  There he is! To bring up his player card just click on him!
  To become buddies with Sensei click on the red penguin in the bottom left corner of his player card! Also want his bg? Just click on the box:)
  Now just click on yes(sim in Portuguese) to receive his background! Here is Sensei's stamp:)
  Meeting Sensei was amazing! Want to see my Sensei tracker? Just click here to view it! Have you met Sensei yet? Let me know by leaving a comment! 


CommderGree8 said...

I can't wait to meet sensei gpumpkin. I've
already met him 7 times this month. I found him two times today so far. Yesterday I found sensei 4 times! Thats a world record for me for a character. I am hopeing to find sensei a couple
of more times before the Card-Jitsu party is over in 6 days. I hope a good amount of penguins get to find him this month.


Anonymous said...

I found him today! So awesome!

Gpumpkin said...

I'm so glad you found him! Isn't Sensei amazing! Awesome job founding him commdergree and anonymous!


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