Club Penguin Rookie tracker underwater expedition January 2012

As you know Rookie will be at the underwater expedition party 2012. This tracker will help you find Rookie fast and quick. The chat that will be used is the Club Penguin community chat made by perapin. 
Rookie tracker




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 Here are some tips on finding Rookie on Club Penguin in 2012:

  Rookie is a green penguin with red sunglasses, a red propeller cap, and a red aloha shirt! Rookie only shows up at one party a year at the April fools party! Rookie's favorite servers are Zipline, marshmallow, Alpine, and Belly slide! The rooms Rookie goes to are snow forts, box dimension, and other box rooms. Rookie stays on a server for 10-15 minutes then goes to another one!  To know that Rookie is in the same room a stamp will come down with the name Rookie on it! When Rookie is found click on his player card, then click the box in the bottom left corner to get his background! I hope these tips help you find Rookie!
  I hope this Club Penguin Rookie tracker will help you find Rookie. Have you found Rookie yet? To let me know just comment.


Ronnp09 said...

Lol. Gpumpkin I emailed you. I want to be an author in CP Surfer

Penguin 515 said...

hey gpumpkin you are on my blogroll, can i be on yours?

-Penguin 515

Gpumpkin said...

I'll add you to my blogroll, also thank you for commenting, I hope you can comment more in the future.


Penguin 515 said...

thanks for putting me on your blogroll :D

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