Club Penguin cake pin cheats

 A new pin has been hidden on Club Penguin. This is the 193rd pin to ever be released on CP. Below is how to get the newest club Penguin pin, the cake pin:

  1. First log on to Club Penguin.
  2. Pick any server.
  3. Waddle to the book room.
  4. Click on the cake slice on the lower left on the plant.
  5. Click "yes" to add the pin to your penguins inventory.

Congrats on finding Club Penguin's latest pin. The new cake pin is perfect for both the puffle party and hungry orange puffles. Have gotten the cake pin? Let me know in the comments below.


dhi228 said...

Hey,when is your next party? Like one for April Fools.Yeah and how do you take pics of yourself in Club Penguin?

Gpumpkin said...

It'll be soon. I think i'll do a April fools party. I'll tell you when my next party is. To take pictures of your penguin just click prt sc(or called insert) on the top right of your keyboard. Then open up paint(should be on every computer) and click edit on the the top and then paste. Then the picture of the screen will appear. Hope this helped.


Anonymous said...

What is your browser? I'm using Google Chrome. Anyway thanks for the tip :)

Dhi228 said...

I'm Dhi228

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