Club Penguin field-op #75 cheats

 A new Club Penguin field op is available to all secret agents on Club Penguin. To start the newest field op click on your blinking red spy phone on the lower left. Your Club Penguin spy phone will appear, click "go there" to start the new field op.
 After arriving in the command room waddle to the yellow screen on the right. Now Gary will give you your field-op orders.
 After receiving your field op orders from Gary waddle to box dimension. Then enter Candy dimension(on the left side of the box dimension). Now waddle to the first candy cane next to the chocolate waterfall as shown below:
 Your Club Penguin spy phone will start blinking green. Click on it to start field op 75. 
 To complete Club Penguin field-op 75 destroy the targets! Enter the X Y coordinates to fire the defense cannons. Aim for the red targets. Stay focused - you must destroy twenty targets in time.
 Congrats on completing field op #75! Rookie will now send you a message as shown below:
It says:
 Whoa! What the? How did I get in here? It looks like I'm stuck in someone's spy phone. Cool! Whoever this is, please don't hang up yet! I'm looking for a portal out... Okay, I found one! Happy April fool's!
It's awesome of Club Penguin to add the field op in one of the box dimension rooms! Why do you think Gary had us check the candy cane in Candy dimension? Could Herbert be up to something again? Let me know in the comments below.


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