Club Penguin Times Issue #351

A new issue of the club penguin times has been published on the island of club penguin. It's number 351. The main headline in this week's issue is "Cadence Concert Coming". Aunt Arctic informs us that at the upcoming Ultimate Jam, Cadence will be putting on a concert! Instead of "Ask Aunt Arctic" it's "Ask Cadence", it'll be there for the next couple of cp time issues. Check it out below:
The second article "Ultimate Jam Countdown" gives us exclusive info about the upcoming Ultimate Jam that's right around the corner. Take a look:
Lastly, here is this week's upcoming events:
Upcoming events:
 On Now: Igloo Catalog
 On Now: Furniture Catalog
 July 19: Ultimate Jam
 July 26: New Collectible Pin
Awesome! I can't wait to meet all of the mascots at the Ultimate Jam! The whole will be turned into a music paradise at the party? Are you excited? I sure am! Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below.


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