Hallowspooktacular: Free Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Code Giveaway

Giveaway is over

It's that time again! Time for our first giveaway of the Hallowspooktacular event. This giveaway's free code will be a card-jitsu code. Here are the details:

Hallowspooktacular Giveaway #1:
Date: October 13th (Today!)
UPDATE: Time: 6:40 PST (Penguin Standard Time)
Free Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Code: TCJW22YMDK5QPJLM
Winner: @Wwfvswwe

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Note: If you need the times in a different time zone just comment below.

Good luck and may the codes be ever in your favor! Click here for more giveaways and event details at our annual Hallowspooktacular event.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait

CPPromotor said...

It's already past time!

Anonymous said...

whats the time for the halloween contest for tommorow becuase my savhool gets out at 3:00 and i real want to comebtw im in lancaster so then you know the time to tell me.

Anonymous said...

What it already ended?!

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