You Decide: Gpumpkin's Halloween Costume

The annual club penguin Halloween party is set to start this Thursday and I still don't have a costume! I've been searching throughout my penguin's inventory recently looking for a great costume. So, I need your help to find a spooky Halloween costume for the party that really stands out.

I've complied 3 of my favorite costumes with several of my items down below. All I need you guys to do is to chose your favorite outfit out of the three. Once you have chosen one, leave a comment on the one that you think I should wear at this year's Halloween party.

Here's the costumes and their items:

#1. The Skeleton Pirate (This outfit contains the blue skater hat, eyepatch, black cape, and the skeleton costume).
#2. Frankenpenguin (Night Vision goggles, Franken hat, orange monster feet, and the feathered penguin costume).
 #3. Trick or Treater (Monster head item, 3-D glasses, ghost costume, and the pumpkin basket).

Now that you've seen all of my Halloween costumes you get to decide. Which one is the best? Which one is the spookiest? I will be wearing the costume throughout the entire party.

Be sure to leave a comment below with the costume number you that you think I should wear as my official 2012 Halloween costume. You decide!

Also, the Halloween party is set to start in just two days! Come back on Thursday for the complete party cheats! We have a lot in store for you guys with our Hallowspooktacular event as well.


Frosty Badge said...

I'd go with the second.

doragabi said...

1 one is the best to me

Anonymous said...

The second is the best!

Anonymous said...

the second one is the best and the most scary

tip11000 said...


Arsenal55702 said...

The third looks better ;)

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