Club Penguin Hollywood Party Cheats February 2013

Club penguin has recently released the club penguin Hollywood party on the club penguin island. During the party you can become a superstar and even earn awards starting Feb. 21st. This time, club penguin has included more awesome features such as emotes, daily challenges, and much more. There are plenty of cheats along with the Hollywood party and free items you can obtain on your penguin account. Below are the complete cheats to the Hollywood party so, without further ado lets get to it.

When you log into club penguin this should appear on your screen.
From here, if you are a member, you can pick up the film script. Click 'Claim Item' and then 'Yes' to add it to your penguin's inventory.
Click on the camera tab on the upper left to open up the next page which has items available for non-members. On this page you can become a director. To do so wear your camera and take pictures of superstars around the island. The more pictures you take, the more items you can claim.
Click the camera and then 'Yes' to add the camera to your penguin's inventory. After claiming your camera, select 'go there' to go to the Club Penguin High 3 movie set. or waddle to Set A at the snow forts to take part in the film. Once you are inside, you should see this:
In stage A you can obtain more free items such as the gold letterman jacket and a free background. To obtain the gold letterman jacket click 'Collect' and then 'Yes' to add it to your inventory.
 Now its time to pick up a background by shooting three scenes for the film. Dance in these three rooms, you can do them in any order you feel is best: Dance in the classroom, Dance in the hallways, Dance in the gym.
 After dancing in the selected rooms, the Stage A screen should appear. Click 'Claim Background' to earn your reward which is the Club Penguin High background.
On the 16th, 17th, 21st, 23rd, and 24th you can access Stage B, Stage C, and the Awards show and pick up more free items and complete more daily challenges while filming. A new catalog has also been released that you can buy several Hollywood related items in. The catalog can be accessed at a booth at the club penguin snow forts or by clicking on the catalog (clothes hanger) icon on the lower right of each room.
There are items for everyone in the catalog, including non-members, and the rest for members. Unfortunately, there are no hidden items. Take a look at the catalog below.

While exploring the island during the Hollywood party be sure to stop by and check out the limo. It comes by every now and then at the snow forts, town, and plaza. Inside is a pool, cafe, the famous dubstep puffle, and simply put, a stunning room where you can chill and relax. Take a look at the limo:
That rounds up our complete guide to the 2013 club penguin Hollywood party. This party is really cool and definitely something new that has a lot to offer! Not one, but four mascots are visiting the island for the event so be sure to try to find them and pick up there free backgrounds before the party ends. I am really liking the Hollywood party and it seems the best is yet to come. What do you think about this club penguin party? Leave a comment below with your thoughts and opinions, we'd love to hear what you have to say. 


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