Hey penguins,
It's a new day, and Daffodaily5 has announced the POTD for June 20th , and his name is Coolpool79 . Daffodaily5 has chosed Coolpool79, because he's been seen around the island making people laugh . Here is what more Daffodaily5 has said about Coolpool79 :
It's a new day, and Daffodaily5 has announced the POTD for June 20th , and his name is Coolpool79 . Daffodaily5 has chosed Coolpool79, because he's been seen around the island making people laugh . Here is what more Daffodaily5 has said about Coolpool79 :
Hiya!Congrats Coolpool79, making people laugh is the best thing you can ever image, because laughing is the best medicine, and you don't want to get sick :P .
I think Coolpool79 really lives up to his name! He's always seen around the island making people laugh and putting smiles on the faces of neeeigh-bours. Cool iggy too.
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