Club Penguin Blog: Stormtroopers at Work - Drawing Dorids

Polo Field, a Club Penguin moderator, has made a new article on the Club Penguin Community Blog regarding a Star Wars Takeover photo which Club Penguin wants us to write a caption for. Over the next few weeks Club Penguin will continue to publish similar articles. This picture shows a Stromtrooper, an Imperial soldier, designing a Club Penguin C-3PO costume. Below is the Club Penguin blog post titled "Stormtroopers at Work - Drawing Dorids". Check it out:

Hello Penguins!

It's time for a little photo caption-writing fun!

Over the next few weeks, we'll post a Star Wars Takeover photo, then we want you to write the caption for it!

Here's an example to get you started..."When you can't find the Droids you're looking for... Draw them!"

Now it's your turn... what would you write as the caption for this photo?
Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

As you can see in the picture above, the C-3PO costume will be one of the 20 Star Wars related costumes that'll be available to members during the Star Wars Takeover. Each of these new sneak peeks never cease to get me more excited for the upcoming party which is set to begin on July 25th. It certainly sounds like there's a lot planned for this party - Considering all of the information and sneak peeks we've received so far and with the Star Wars Takeover still roughly two weeks away. Be sure to drop a comment below in the comments section and let us know what your overall thoughts on the Star Wars Takeover are currently.


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