Club Penguin EPF Message from the Director

While waddling around on Club Penguin today, I noticed that my spy phone started ringing. This means Club Penguin has sent all Elite Penguin agents a new EPF message on their spy phones. EPF messages keep us up to date with current events, how to keep the island safe, and much more. This time, the Director has sent us an Elite Penguin Force message on July 26, 2013 regarding the Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover. Check out his week's EPF message below:

If you can't read what the new message says, it's displayed below:
Agents. Report to Tatoonie to join the Rebel Alliance. The fate of the galaxy rests with you. 
The Star Wars Takeover is amazing, by far, and it's certainly not a party to be missed. Do you think our forces along with the Rebel Alliance can defeat Darth Herbert in time? Let us know by commenting below, we'd love to hear what you have to say.

~Gpumpkin, Owner of 


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