Club Penguin Times #406

Recently, Club Penguin have released a new edition of the Club Penguin Times and delivered it to penguins around the Club Penguin island. This brings us up to 406. Each Times issue is written by Aunt Arctic, the newspaper's chief editor, and is released weekly when Club Penguin updates on Thursday. Times issues have articles, helpful hints, jokes, top secrets, poetry, an 'Ask Aunt Arctic' section, and much more for us to read and enjoy. This issue features articles regarding the the Star Wars Takeover, the Death Star in particular. Below is a review of the upcoming events and this weeks Club Penguin newspaper.

We'll start off with the feature story or main article. This week's feature story is titled 'Infiltrate the Death Star' and is written by Princess Cadence. This time it's not about Tatooine,or Yavin 4, but the Death Star which is our second mission of the Star Wars Takeover. Cadence, in the article, suggests we use some serious concentration and gives us some helpful tips in succeeding in the Death Star.

Forces of the dark side are on the rise is the subject of this weeks Support Story. The Support Story is likewise written by DJ Cadence and is titled 'Imperial Threat Grows Stronger'. Princess Cadence encourages us to defeat the Imperials and re-take the Dance Club. As quoted by Cadence, let's get this battle started!

As in every club penguin times issue, Club Penguin provides a list of this months upcoming events coming up on the Club Penguin island. These lists include upcoming parties, catalogs, and much more. Check out this month's upcoming events which we have listed below.
  • Aug. 8 - Fly to Yavin 4: Fly to the base and destroy the Death Star!
  • Aug. 8 - Penguin Style: Bold colors and classic summer style - Get this season's latest looks!
  • Aug. 15 - Ruby and the Ruby: Enjoy a sparking mix of drama, mystery, and fun! At the stage. 
If you flip the page, you should now be on the second and last page of the issue. Did you know there are hundreds of hidden surprises around the island? If you would like one revealed click the folder further down the page labeled secrets. The Club Penguin Times needs you! Send jokes, riddles and questions and it may be featured in next week's newspaper issue!

Which upcoming event from above are you looking forward to the most? Furthermore, what part of the Club Penguin Times issue #406 was your favorite? Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment in the comments section below, we'd love to hear what you have to say!

~Gpumpkin, Owner of 


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