Club Penguin Medieval Party 2013 Costruction

As the Medieval Party is about to arrive, the construction of the party has begun too. The Construction will only last for a week, as it's a week away from the party. The Construction of the Medieval Party is located at the Dock, Forest, Snow Forts, Town, Mine Shack and last but not least, the University. Take a look at the rooms which are constructing:




Snow Forts: 

Mine Shack: 


The Medieval Party might have all the rooms decorated when it arrives. As on the Furniture Catalog, a Scorn Statue was found, perhaps he might be making a return to the island?. There is also a rumour that Tusk will be the villain on this Medieval Party. Are you looking forward to the Medieval Party? I sure am. Let us know your answers in the comments section below. 



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