Club Penguin Times Issue 412

Recently, Club Penguin has released a new edition of the Club Penguin Times. This brings us up to 412. Like always, this weeks issue of the Club Penguin Times features a main article, support story, and concludes with the upcoming events column. Each Times issue is written by Aunt Arctic, the newspaper's chief editor, and is released weekly when Club Penguin updates on Thursday. Times issues have articles, helpful hints, jokes, top secrets, poetry, an 'Ask Aunt Arctic' section, and much more for us to read and enjoy. This issue gives us information regarding the 2013 Medieval Party as well as Rockhoppers arrival on Club Penguin this week. Below you can find out all about Club Penguin Times Issue #412.

This week's main article or feature story is titled 'Ancient Potion Book' in which Club Penguin talks about the discovery of a mysterious book found on a mysterious island by Captain Rockhopper. Received by Gary from Rockhopper, the book consists of magical potions which will aid us in our quest at the Medieval party. There's even a potion that'll let us turn into dragons much like that of the prehostoric party when we got to turn into dinosaurs.

Rockhopper has finally returned! It has been quite awhile since Rockhopper last made an appearance. Last time Rockhopper was waddling around Club Penguin was back in December of 2012 for Coins of Change. Written by Rockhopper himself, 'Captain Rockhopper Returns' talks about his return, previous pirate adventures, and his desire to have a pirate parade. According to Rockhopper, he will be here for one week. For a chance to meet him and obtain his autographed tracker be sure to check out our September 2013 Rockhopper tracker, we'll be constantly tracking him while he's online.

As in every club penguin times issue, Club Penguin provides a list of this months upcoming events coming up on the Club Penguin island. These lists include upcoming parties, catalogs, and much more. Have a look at this month's upcoming events which we have listed for you below.
  • On Now! - Rockhopper's Arrival: Ahoy! Rare items be at the Migrator! So head o'er to the beach and start a pirate parade!
  • Sept. 19 - Medieval Party: Wizards and ogres and knights! Oh my!
Here are the upcoming events for this week on Club Penguin:

If you flip the page, you will now be on the second and final page of the issue. A continued article written by Aunt Arctic discusses a behind-the-scenes look at the reason behind Rockhopper's new look. It's a story you don't want to miss. Did you know there are hundreds of hidden surprises around the island? If you would like one revealed click the folder further down the page labeled secrets. The Club Penguin Times needs you! Send jokes, riddles and questions and it may be featured in next week's newspaper issue!

Which upcoming event from above are you looking forward to the most? Furthermore, what section of the Club Penguin Times issue #412 was your favorite? Honestly, I enjoyed the entire Times issue. Let me know by commenting below in the comments section, we'd love to hear what you have to say. 



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