Club Penguin Times Issue #413

Ancient Potion Book and Captain Rockhopper Returns!

Ancient Potion Book:
As the Medieval Party starts we'll be able to start conducting experiments. Gary will definitely need apprentice for this party. Get your Wizard Hats on because Wizard School opens September 9th, 2013.

Captain Rockhopper Returns:
Rockhopper has made a return, last time we saw him was during the Holiday Party 2012. He'll be wondering around the island with his pet puffle Yarr by his side. Rockhopper will only be waddling around the island for about a week, so make sure you get a chance to meet him.

Upcoming Events:

Oh Now! Rockhopper's Arrival Ahoy! Rare items be at the Migrator! So head o'er to the Beach and start a pirate parade!
Sept 19 Medieval Party Wizard and ogres and knights! Oh my!
Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until September 18.

Aunt Arctic is fact checking the actual existence of ferocious invisible goldfish. Please send us proof to the Club Penguin Times.

Ask Rockhopper:
What's Rockhopper Island like? - Miss Terious
Rockhopper Island be the farthest isle. The water be bluer than the bluest puffle. The sand be full of sandcastles bigger than me Migrator. In it, hidden treasure and the rarest items ye ever did see. There's also stinky cheese trees. So you'll never run out! There be red puffles as far as the eye can see! They be a friendly bunch, so ye always be havin' company.

Where did you get your new coat? - Jay Ket
I be explorin' a mysterious new land when I came across a deep dark cave into the mountain. It be a Wednesday if my memory be shipshape. the cave was filled with gargantuan cobwebs and mammoth spiders bigger than me pal, Yarr. I be walkin' deeper and deeper into the cavern. Suddenly, I be seeing loads of treasure sparklin' right in front of me. I be findin' magic carpets,

Waddle On!
-Ferdthebird, Club Penguin Cheats Author


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