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Today is Wednesday which means a new episode of "#WaddleOn" has been released! In case you didn't know, "#WaddleOn" is Club Penguin's comedy series. They release a new episode every week on YouTube. This week's episode is Operation Puffle related. This video does contain Operation Puffle sneak peeks, so if you want Operation Puffle to be a surprise, I suggest not watching it yet. Here's the video:
In this video, a few EPF agents go around the island in search for a big orange puffle. They search around, not knowing the puffle is actually behind them. Pretty funny stuff! What sketch is your favorite? I like the sketch with Rookie in it the best! Leave a comment below with your thoughts!
Last week's poll question was 'Are you excited for the arrival of the Frozen party?' The overwhelming majority chose 'Totally' with 40% of the vote and there was a grand total of 1220 votes.
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