Although the Halloween party is roughly three months away, Club Penguin is asking us to help choose a Halloween costume to be brought back to the 2014 Halloween party. It's unusual for Club Penguin to have a 'You Decide' nowadays, but the Club Penguin community has received it gladly, myself included. There's three options to choose from and include the clown costume, pirate costume, and dragon costume. Moreover, each of the options is a returning costume and in a manner of speaking rare items. Lets have a look at Megg's article titled 'You Decide: Halloween Costumes' below:
Want to help pick which costume we bring back for the Halloween Party this year?
Of course you do :D
All you have to do is take a look at the these three costumes:

Now decide which one you'd like to see brought back for Halloween!
You can vote by commenting below with the name of the costume you are voting for (Clown, Pirate, or Dragon).
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Voting for your favorite costume is a no brainer. Just click the following link
here and comment with the name of the costume you're voting for whether it be the dragon or clown. Of the three options, which one did you vote for? I'd have to go with the pirate. Share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below in the comments section.
On a second note, it seems quite early for us to be deciding on Halloween costumes. It's like singing Christmas carols before Thanksgiving. Anyways, Halloween is my favorite Holiday and I'm excited to finally get to help Club Penguin make decisions of what to release in the game. That's what Club Penguin should always be about - interaction with the players.
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