Club Penguin Music Jam 2014 - Zendaya Performs!

It's day 9 of the Club Penguin 2014 Music Jam and that means Zendaya is performing on the music cruise as of earlier today. Now we're able to hear Zendaya's song and obtain her background, although, she won't be waddling around the island and we're not able to add her as a friend. Open up the Music Jam schedule, on the upper right of your screen, and select 'Go There' to hear Zendaya's performance. Like the other artists, click her in order to obtain her background.

Once you've clicked Zendaya's sprite, you'll be greeted by the following blue screen. You have the option to choose 'Yes' and obtain her autographed background or 'No' to exit the blue screen.

Here's how Zendaya's Giveaway looks on my player card:

Well, that's all about day nine of this year's Music Jam. Tomorrow you can unlock a new item, wrapping up the performances and daily freebies. Loving the performances by these talented musicians and artist, especially 'Replay' by Zendaya. Whose performance have you most enjoyed at the Club Penguin 2014 Music Jam? More importantly, what artist of the four is your personal favorite? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.



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