Club Penguin New EPF Message From Rookie

If you're an Elite Penguin Force agent, you may have noticed an EPF message awaiting you on your spy phone. EPF messages keep us up to date with current events, how to keep the island safe, and much more. This one from Rookie, the following EPF message focuses on his clumsiness in losing a wrench and his way aboard the cruise ship. This is totally Rookie.

If for whatever reason you cannot read the above message, here is a full transcript of the message:
That cruise ship is HUGE! I was wandering around inside and I lost my wrench. Anyone know where it is?
I can only fathom what may occur because of Rookie's clumsiness. Now it's time to hear from you - what do you think will happen because of Rookie's mistake? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section, we'd love to hear from you!



Gpumpkin said...

I think Rookie will have made a hole in the cruise and it'll sink. We'll have to move the party onto the island and have a an old fashion Music Jam. Now that's a Club Penguin party!

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