Club Penguin Turbo Race 3000 Cheats

Get your engines ready as the Turbo Race 3000 has arrived on the Club Penguin island. As mentioned in an earlier issue of Club Penguin Times, the Turbo Race 3000 is another Club Penguin mini-event that usual lasts a week and has quite a few freebies for our accounts. The stadium has been reverted to it's original design with the Turbo Race 3000 incorporated in it. Below, I've provided you with Club Penguin Cheats Club Penguin Turbo Race 3000 Cheats. Lets get started, shall we?

To participate in the Turbo Race 3000 go to the stadium. While waiting for the race to begin position you penguin avatar behind the starting line and start racing at the appointed time. First one around the track three times is declared the winner.

First things first - the freebies and there's exactly two at this mini-event. The 'Go-Karter Helmet' is up for grabs at the stadium beneath the sign labeled 'Free!'. The item is avaiable for non-members and members.

The 'Go-Karter Jacket' is just for members and is located beneath the member symbol.

That's all about the Club Penguin Turbo Race 3000 Cheats. Share your thoughts and opinions concerning the Turbo Race 3000 in the comments section below.



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