Club Penguin Times Issue #459

A brand new Club Penguin Times issue has been released. This new issue brings us up to a total of 459 newspaper issues. Like always, this issue was written by Aunt Arctic, the chief editor of the newspaper and Club Penguin's favorite news reporter. Each Club Penguin Times issue features a main article, support story, news flash, upcoming events, and much more. The main article in this issue is titled 'Herbert P. Bear Safety Alert' and it's written by the Director of the EPF. She talks about the EPF's main enemy, Herbert P. Bear. She warns all citizens to be on alert for this pesky bear.
Click on the box that says 'DECLASSIFIED' to learn more about Herbert:
The next article is titled 'Summer Weather Report'. In this article, Aunt Arctic states that Gary the Gadget Guy originally predicted warm days and clear skies. Now, the weather report is showing a mix of hot and cool. She says that this won't slow us down from throwing a summer party. She says there are some friends far away that would love a party like this, so she's going to invite them over to the island.
This issue's News Flash states that there's currently a cannonball competition going on at the Puffle Hotel pool.
Here are the Upcoming Events:

  • On Now - Brand New Penguin Style Catalog at the Clothes Shop
  • August 14 - Brand New Furniture and Igloo Catalog
  • August 21 - Summer Party
  • August 21 - New Collectible Pin
If you flip to the back page, you'll find this issue's comic and jokes section, which I'm sure will give you a laugh. You'll also find this issue's secret. If you want this secret revealed to you, simply click on the folder further down the page labeled secrets.
That's it for this week's issue of the Club Penguin Times! What are your thoughts and opinions? Which upcoming event are you looking forward to the most? Let us know in the comments section below! We'd love to hear from you!



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