Rockhopper has a new player card!

 On Thursday I found Rockhopper on Yeti Spainish, and he has a new player card! I think his new player card is awesome! Here's a picture:
  Whoa! Rockhoppers new player card rocks! Remember to check our Rockhopper tracker to find Rockhopper! Comment on what you think of rockhoppers new player card!


Ronnp09 said...


Ronnp09 said...

just to say how to make a blog roll?

Gpumpkin said...

Blog rolls are very easy to make, first go to design. Then click add a gadget! Now click on the blog list gadget, now you can add the blogs you want on your blog roll!


Ronnp09 said...


Gpumpkin said...

No Problem Ronnp09!


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