New emotes sneak peek

 Thanks to perapin I have found an amazing sneak peek, new emotes! These new emotes come from the comic maker, Heres the photo:)
(credit of photo goes to Perapin)
 This Sneak peek is amazing! I wonder when these emotes might be released? Let me know by leaving a comment!


Ronnp09 said...

Hey Gpumpkin, I have a question. How do I put an icon on the tab like yours it says (ICON) Club Penguin Cheats and G.....

Gpumpkin said...

Here's how:)
Click design. Then on the design page you will see something called a favicon above the navbar. Then click edit(next to favicon). Then pick an image to put there(make sure it is perfectly square). Then click save. The favicon should appear in a couple of days. Comment if you need any more help.


Anonymous said...

I think the comic maker just wanted to make them look better. BUT, there is a new "blue" emote soon.

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