Club Penguin server jumping animation

 Do you remember the server jumping the club penguin team showed us? Well I have found an amazing sneak peek of it while you are server hopping! Here's the exclusive:)

        (credit of photo goes to trainman1405)
This exclusive is so amazing! When server hopping your penguin will be your color! What do you think of this server hopping exclusive? Let me know by leaving a comment!


Ronnp09 said...

Hey Gpumpkin! I just wanted to ask....where did you get that?

Ronnp09 said...

where did you get that animation?

Ronnp09 said...

wait no need I got the code

Ronnp09 said...

One more question, when will my custom penguin be posted?

CommderGree8 said...

I can't wait to be able to server jump gpumpkin.
Now you won't have to log off and get back on.
One question though um when will you be able to do the server jumping.

CommderGree8 said...

Oh and one more question gpumpkin. Where do you get that picture anyways. If you have time can you let me use the code plz. Just post a comment if you make up your mind.


Gpumpkin said...

Hi Ronnp09 and Commdergree8! What do you want you custom penguin to be wearing Ronnp09? Sorry its taking awhile for your custom penguin Ronn, I've been very busy. the image was on club penguins swf files!! I'll tell you how soon commdegree8.


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