Three free codes on club penguin

 There are three new codes that club penguin has given away to all penguins. There are three codes, two give you 500 and 2500 coins and one gives you a free shirt on club penguin. Here's the codes and some pictures I took:
First code: MMcode11

Second code: MMcode13

Third code: MMcode12

These codes are neat. Which unlockable item here is your Favorite? To let me know just comment.


Ronnp09 said...

Um Gpumpkin. The code for the T-Shirt is MMCODE12 not MMCODE13

Gpumpkin said...

Thanks Ronnp09, I didn't see that lol. Also your new costume penguin is awesome!


Gpumpkin said...

Oops, I mean custom penguin, sorry about that.


Ronnp09 said...

thank you.

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