What's new this week: December 6

 The club penguin team has posted a new post on their blog about coins for change and the Holiday party! Here's the post:)

Greetings Penguins!

Happy77 here. Thanks for all the fabulous comments on our first animated short, "Never Wake A Sleeping Sensei!" We've got some other videos up our sleeves, so stay tuned for more... 

I know many of you are counting down the days 'til the big Holiday Party and Coins for Change. Here are a few things happening this week before the party starts:
  • Coins for Change announcement: Billybob's got some BIG news about Coins for Change to share on the blog tomorrow! You won't want to miss it. :)
  • The Ice Rink returns! The Stadium transforms into an Ice Rink to kick off the holidays! There will be some new items for figure skating fans there, too...
  • Card-Jitsu Mats: They're just about ready! Soon members will be able to host Card-Jitsu matches at home with these new igloo items. Sweet!
  • Field-Ops: The EPF never sleeps, does it? Secret agents, get ready for orders over at the Command Room! Time to earn some more Elite Gear... 

So what are you most excited about this week? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment! 

Waddle On! :)

 All sorts of new items are released tomorrow! Which event are you looking forward too? Let me know by leaving a comment!


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