Club Penguin Penguin style catalog March 2012 cheats

 Club Penguin has released a new penguin style catalog in the gift shop. The new March 2012 Penguin style catalog has puffle themed items throughout the catalog for this month's Puffle party. There is a brand new feature in the catalog where you can get both girl and boy puffle clothing by clicking on the blue hair icon on the left pages of the new catalog. There are many new secret items. Here is the March 2012 penguin style catalog:

 To find the lime green pom pom's click on the green penguin's tongue.
To find the pink pom pom's click on the pink puffle.

To find the blue pom pom's click on the yellow penguin's mouth(girl or boys).

To find the white pom poms click on the white puffle's eyes.

To find the brown pom pom's click on the brown puffle on the brown penguin.
 The March 2012 penguin style catalog was neat having a new feature and all new items. What was your favorite clothing item in this month's Penguin style? To let me know just comment.


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