Club Penguin Ruby and the Ruby Stage Play Cheats

 The Club Penguin stage play Ruby and the Ruby has returned to the stage. It was last at the stage from December 2010-January 2011 on Club Penguin. There is only one secret item in the stage play catalog and a new ruby pin hidden in the stage play. Check out the stage play Ruby and the Ruby below:
The hidden item, the Dark Detective's Coat, is the only secret item in the stage catalog. To find the Dark Detective's coat click on the three lines on the top of the ruby and the ruby logo as shown below:
  Also, their is a free pin, the round ruby. To get the Ruby and the Ruby pin click on 8 objects in order. Follow the order shown below to get the pin:
After opening the safe click on the ruby. Click "yes" to add the round ruby pin to your penguin's inventory.
 Ruby and the Ruby is an excellent stage play! What do you think of the Club Penguin stage play Ruby and the Ruby? Let me know what you think in the comments below.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, it's like the best play on club penguin EVER!!!

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