Club Penguin Field Op #81 Cheats

 A new field op is available to all EPF agents on Club Penguin. To start field op 81 click on your blinking red spy phone on the lower left. Click "go there" to teleport to the Club Penguin command center.
After arriving in the command center click on the Yellow screen on the right to receive your field op orders from Gary.
Now waddle or use your map to get to the beach. Click on the rocks and mushrooms on the right as shown below to begin the latest field op:
 Your spy phone will start blinking green. click on it. Click "engage" to start the field op mission 81.
To complete Club penguin field op 81 power up the chipset! Guide your micro battery by remote control. Go from the recharger to the chips. Watch out for traps!
 When you have completed field op 81 the Director will send you a message on your spy phone.
 The Director says:
 Agent- you have done well. Though "giving power" to mushrooms is unusual, I trust G. EPF radar is definitely picking up something.  Be ready-Club Penguin may be in danger.
I wonder if the dragon king will have anything to do with the danger coming to Club Penguin. Who do you think the new villain will be on Club Penguin? The dragon King? Protobot? Let me know what you think in the comments below.


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