Club Penguin Field Op #82 Cheats

A new field op is available to all EPF agents on Club Penguin. To start field op 82 click on your blinking red spy phone on the lower left. Click "go there" to teleport to the EPF command center.
 When you have arrived in the command center waddle to the yellow screen on the right. Gary will now give your field op orders for field op 82.
Now waddle or use your map to get to ski hill(the mountain). Waddle to the top crevice with the gold as shown below:
 Your spy phone will begin to blink green, click on it. Click "engage" to start field op 82.
To complete the field op destroy the targets! Enter the x y coordinates to fire the defense cannons. Aim for the red targets. Stay focused - you must destroy twenty targets in a limited time.
After completing field op 82 Gary will send you a message on your spy phone.
It says:
 Well done, secret knight! Your aim was true, and you vanquished the dragon's king's attacks! Now we must unite the kingdoms, and stand against him together! Are you with us?Onwards!
Well done agent! You have completed the latest field op on Club Penguin. Have you defeated scorn the dragon king yet? Let me know by leaving a comment below.


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