Club Penguin Field Op #85

 A new Field Op is available to all secret & EPF agents on Club Penguin. To start Club Penguin field op 85 click on your blinking red spy phone, above the map, on the lower left. Your spy phone will appear click "go there" to teleport to the EPF command center.
 When you have arrived in the command center click on the yellow screen to receive your field op orders from Gary. He'll give you a hint of field op 85's location on Club Penguin.
 Now waddle to the left side of the command room in front of the small screen as shown below:
 Your spy phone will begin to blink green. Click on it to start the new Club Penguin field op game.
 This weeks field op game is "system alert". To defeat it repair the system! Enter directions for the repair bot. Lead it to the corrupted systems. Be precise - you can only send five sets of commands.
When you have completed field op 85 Gary will send you a message on your spy phone:
It says:
 Excellent work Agent. If those infections hadn't been neutralized, Protobot may have  launched a full out attack. His threat said he is working on a robot of immense force. Be  ready - we might be on for an intense battle.
Well done Agent! Protobot has returned and has even larger robot on his side! Get ready for battle at the superhero party next week! Are you ready for the battle with protobot? Are you excited for the superhero party? Let me know if you are by leaving a comment below.


andybillson said...

wow thanks i looked and looked then i came here BOOM you have the anwser thnxs!!!

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