Club Penguin Field Op #86 Cheats

 A new field op is available to all EPF agents on Club Penguin. To begin field op 86 click on your blinking red spy phone on the lower left. Click "go there" to teleport to the command center.
After you have arrived in the command center waddle to the yellow screen on the right. Gary will give you your field-op orders and a hint of it's location.
Now waddle or use your map to go to the Super villain lair(the underground pool). When you have arrived waddle to upper left of the room as shown below by my penguin:
This week's field op game is "location found". Click "engage" to start field op 86.
 To complete the new field op bypass the system! Match your data with the firewall to break through. Be sharp! The system speeds up!
 When you have completed field op 86, Protobot will send you a message on your spy phone.
It says:
 **AGENT ACCESS DETECTED - CONNETION TERMINATED**  Attention EPF agent. You are no match for my advanced technology. Surrender now, or be destroyed. 
This doesn't sound good for the EPF and Club Penguin. Can the superheros and EPF defeat Protobot and the super villains? Let me know if they can or can't by leaving a comment below.


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