Club Penguin: The Director's Identity Revealed

As operation blackout is coming to an end many penguins have found a glitch which allows them to access a video when they have completed operation blackout. The video reveals the identity of the Director! This secret has been anticipated by penguins in club penguin's past years for a long time. Check out who the Director is on club penguin down below:
At long last we now know that Aunt Arctic is the Director! Pretty cool, huh? I wonder what other secrets will be discovered in the upcoming months? A rainbow puffle or maybe the iceberg tipping? Who did you think the Director was? Let us know your thoughts and opinions in a comment below. We'd love to hear what you have to say.


Cdb2732 said...

Thought so coz in 1 of EPF messages (in EPF code) it said at the end ~director of EPF signed A(all still in EPF code!!

Waddles61220 said...

Yup, knew it! :)

andybillson said... look gpumpkin

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