Club Penguin Holiday Cookies Pin Cheat

A brand new pin has been released on the club penguin island today. This pin can be found for the next two weeks until a new pin is hidden by club penguin in a different room. Pins are collectible items that can be placed on the upper left of your penguin's player card (Only one pin at a time). This pin is called the 'Holiday Cookies' pin. Here is how to find it as fast as possible:

Step 1. Login to club penguin and go to the plaza.

Step 2. Enter the underground pool and click on the Holiday Cookie pin located on the far left window as shown below.
Congratulations! You have successfully obtained the the current collectible pin on club penguin. Do you like this Holiday related pin? This is the last pin of 2012, can you believe the year has gone by so fast? Anyways, let me know your thoughts about the pin down in the comments below.


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