Club Penguin January 2013 Pay Day

As on the first day of every month, club penguin has sent all tour guides and Elite Penguin Force agents their pay checks since today is pay day. Tour guides earn 250 coins. Elite Penguin Force agents earn 350 coins. Below is this month's pay checks for the month of January.

Here is the club penguin tour guide pay check, you get 250 coins.
Here is the Epf pay check, you get 350 coins.
That is a total of 600 free coins added to your penguin account! What are you planning to receive with your free coins? A new costume from the costume trunk at the stage or a hat from the clothes shop? Let us know what you're planning on purchasing with your coins by leaving a comment below.


Andybilllson said...

Hey Gpumpkin! Sorry I have'nt been on in a while cause I was with family BUT I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just to let you happy 2013

P.S i love the new blog

Gpumpkin said...

Welcome back Andy and happy new year! Also, thanks, I am glad you are enjoying the new theme.

Anonymous said...

Heya Gpumpkin cool name.I like what you have done to your blog happy new yearxxxx yours truly Anonymous (can't say who i am or you will now the secret of cpxx)

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