Club Penguin: The Penguins That Time Forgot January 2013 Cheats

Another stage play has arrived on the club penguin island at the stage today. This month we have The Penguins that Time Forgot, an old stage play set in pre-history that doesn't have any changes from last time. Although, there are 2 new hidden items located in the catalog. Here is what the new play looks like in the stage:
Below are the cheats to the updated costume trunk catalog with the new stage play:

1. The first catalog cheat is located on page 2, if you click on the purple penguin's primitive necklace you will get the grass skirt.
2. For the second catalog cheat flip to page 3, if you click on the green penguin's left hand you will get a background.
That is the complete cheats to the penguins that time forgot stage play. What did you think of this stage play? Do you like it? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below.


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