Club Penguin Reviewed By You: Time Travel

Today club penguin made a new post on the club penguin Whats New blog. It's a reviewed by you article and is about time travel. Check out the latest club penguin Reviewed by You down below:

Last week, club penguin asked us what new penguin styles would you most like to see this year. Their favorite comment that they chose was by Ymuy. They said the following.

I think that we should have a mascot shirt (one shirt for each mascot) then, when we dance, we do what the mascot on the picture does best! For example: I f I had a shirt with G on it, then when I dance, I do what he does best which is (obviously) building machines (and sometimes blowing them up straight after)!

This week club penguin wants to know if you could take Gary's Time Trekker anywhere, what time would you travel to and why. To answer this Reviewed by You question, click here. If you comment is featured, you will get 10,000 free coins added to your penguin account.

What do you think of this weeks Reviewed by You question? What would your answer be? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Anonymous said...

i would go to the time of the dinosaurs because they are my favourite animal and they are big

Gpumpkin said...


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