Club Penguin Cheats is Now Hiring!

*Note: This is a Sticky Post, Scroll Down For the Latest Cheats*

Hey penguins!

Want to work on my website and join our team here at Well then, you're in luck! For the first time, we are hiring additional authors to help publish the latest Club Penguin cheats, glitches, and much more to deliver to our viewers. We're also looking for top-notch graphic designers and website moderators, if you're interested be sure to continue reading. To apply, email me with the following details:

Club Penguin Cheats is Now Hiring!

  • For your email title put the staff position you wish to be such as author.
  • Include your penguin name and a brief biography about yourself.
  • Link to your twitter account (If you have one).
  • Briefly let us know why you'd liked to work on, how often you can post articles, and what experience you have had with blogging, Blogger, Photoshop, HTML, and etc.
  • Your Website (If you have one).
  • Three example posts.
  • Timezone.

What We're Looking For:

  • Creative, sociable penguins who know how to think outside of the box.
  • Bloggers who enjoy what they do; blog. 
  • Talented bloggers who are good communicators.
  • Bloggers who have a have a fantastic knowledge of everything Club Penguin.
  • Bloggers with a basic knowledge understanding of formatting, excellent grammar, correct spelling, know how to take screenshots, and experience using blogger. 
Email me your applications at Author applications will be up for 1-2 weeks and will then be closed until further notice. We will then announce our newest additions to the GpumpkinCP team. If you don't get a staff position, no need to get upset. Chances our that we'll be hiring more authors in the near future. We always can't wait to provide you with the best Club Penguin cheats out there and we are even more excited to get to know and introduce our new additions to our team. Good luck to everyone! The next author could be you.



Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool that your hiring people. But why? I wanted to join but I change my mind, I have school (and LOTS of homework) so sorry :(

Andybillson said...

Gpumpkin, I would love to work on your blog, But I don't know if you know my email is currantly down!
I hope to get it up soon!
I still have my penguin though!
You already know how often I'll post!
Good luck with the new team!
Can I get the job when I get my email back?
Waddle On Pal!

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