Club Penguin Puffle Balloons Pin Cheat

It has been two weeks since Club Penguin released a new pin. This means a new pin has been released for us to find and obtain. Pins are collectible items that can be placed on the upper left of your penguin's player card (Only one pin at a time). The new pin is called the 'Puffle Balloons' pin. Please use our official guide to find this pin:

Step 1. Log onto Club Penguin with your username and password.

Step 2. Go to the cove using either your map or spy phone.

Step 3. Located between the two surfboards next to the surf shack is the 'Puffle Balloons' pin. Click on it to pick it up.

Step 4. A blue screen will then appear. Click 'Yes' and the 'Puffle Balloons' pin will be added to your inventory.

Congratulations, you have successfully obtained the 'Puffle Balloons' pin on the Club Penguin island. As always, the next Club Penguin pin will be released in exactly two weeks. I'm loving this pin! It's totally getting me more excited for the pending Puffle party! What are your thoughts concerning the 'Puffle Balloon' pin? Let us know by leaving a comment in the comments section below, we'd love to hear from you.



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