Fake Mascot Spotted? [Rookie]

Recently, I was waddling around on Sleet. I decided to take a 5 minute break and when I came back I spotted a fake Rookie! I was so surprised; at first I thought it was the real mascot until I noticed his penguin name wasn't "Rookie" it was a blocked penguin name which was P204686430. I decided to take a few screenshots and show all you penguins what has been going on. I was so confused when I saw this; I thought Club Penguin has patched the item hacking, but apparently not.
Here are the pictures I have taken of the fake mascot I have spotted;
In this picture you can easily tell that he is fake because I didn't get a stamp for being in the same room as rookie and there wasn't a button that I could get a nice autographed background from the mascot.


 I tried to interview him, but this "fake" rookie was playing his position as a mascot the entire time. I appreciate how he has made some penguins smile, but I encourage Club Penguin to try and patch the Item Adder people are using. I have seen a lot of "Fake" Betas lately, but this has went way too far.

-Oh Pp, Author of GPumpkinCP.com


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