Club Penguin UK BAFTA Kids' Vote 2013

As of every year in November, Club Penguin has been nominated for the annual BAFTA Kids' Vote award for best website. If you recall, Club Penguin won the 2010 and since have lost to other virtual worlds and websites. Sadly, voting is restricted to UK players since the BAFTA awards are an event in the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, if you live in the UK and are between the age of 7 and 14 please don't hesitate to vote for Club Penguin. Voting is easy. Just follow these steps:
  • Click the following link:
  • Select 'Start Voting' and submit your votes for your favorite television show, film, video game, and website based upon those listed.
  • On the 'Website' section vote for Club Penguin. 
Here is a picture Club Penguin included in the 'UK BAFTA Kids' Vote 2013' article on the What's New blog featuring a penguin voting in the awards. Have a look for yourself:

That's all about the Club Penguin UK BAFTA Kids' Vote for 2013. Voting comes to a conclusion on the 22nd of November and the winners will be announced on the 24th of November. After voting, head on over to the goodies page for Club Penguin to obtain a free desktop background and free Club Penguin code that unlocks 100 coins for your penguin account. Lets have Club Penguin win this year's UK BAFTA kids' vote award!

Have you voted as of yet? Let us know in the comments section below, we'd love to hear what you have to say.



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