Secrets of Club Penguin: Back of the Town

The island of Club Penguin holds many secrets that can be easily missed. There's so much more than the obvious larger features and the details in much of what you see on Club Penguin are as fascinating as the rooms and features themselves. These minor items and details each tell a story from Club Penguin's past revealing the secret awaiting inside. Secrets from Club Penguin may also include things that can be found from many Club Penguin graphics. Below is a 'Secrets of Club Penguin' article regarding the rarely noted back of the town.

We're all well acquainted with the town, a favorite and popular hang out spot, but have you ever given thought as to what lies behind the flashy lights of the dance club, quaint brick layered coffee shop, and fancy fashions of the clothes shop? My curiosity has gotten the best of me and I've found some interesting connections and involvement of this section of the town with the in-game experience of Club Penguin. There's actually more than meets the eye with this unknown region of Club Penguin so, let's get started, shall we?

Here's a picture of the back of the town. Notice the storage building behind the coffee shop located right next to the 'Java' delivery truck. As far as I'm aware, no parties or events have taken place or anything for that matter have included that building. How cool would it be if Club Penguin incorporated this building with a party for a limited time or Elite Penguin Force mission. Perhaps Herbert could hold a heist with the delivery truck and we'd have to stop him. The possibilities are limitless. Not to mention, the coffee shop has a loading dock on the side of the building.

We get another glimpse of the back of the town in several of the PSA missions. PSA missions are puzzle-like games that secret agents had to figure out and in return received medals, gifts, and hands on experience helping their fellow penguins. Once located in the VR room, PSA missions were moved to the 'Fun Stuff' section of Club Penguin's website in December 2012. I've gone down a rabbit trail so, I'll continue with the subject at hand. In 'Case of the Missing Coins' we got access the roof of the gift shop which you can see in the previous picture. There's a few odds and ends and in the mission we encountered another of Herbert's evil plans; however, it proved ill for Herbert as we stopped him like usual. Nonetheless, the back of the town is the perfect vantage point for yet another strike from Herbert. The question is: when will he strike next?

As of late we've seen little activity and interest on Club Penguin's part in the back of the town. I think a renewed interest by both our part and Club Penguin's part could open a world of opportunity for not just the back of the town, but the back of other rooms. How cool would it be if we could explore the back rooms? Club Penguin could decorate those along with the monthly parties and possibly hold a mini-event for the opening of the back of rooms.  I always find these links to Club Penguin's past and secrets in graphics fascinating and as you stroll pass the town next time, don't forget what secrets they hold and lay behind the ambiance of the town.

As always, leave me a comment below if you know of any other Club Penguin secrets on the island. It might just be featured in the next 'Secrets of Club Penguin' post!



Perapin said...

It would be interesting :)

~Perapin :)

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