Every Friday, Club Penguin nominates a new Penguin of the Day who helps fellow penguins, does good deeds throughout their community, and so forth. Therefore, Daffodaily5, a Club Penguin blogger and moderator, has published a brand new Penguin of the Day article on the Club Penguin community blog for August 1, 2014 seeing as today is Friday. This time, Behappy80 has been nominated and has received the Penguin of the Week background. Behappy80's a kind resident of the snow-covered island who doesn't hesiatate to show new and old penguins the odd and ends of the game. Let's have a look at what Daffodaily5 had to say below:
It's Fridaaaaay! POTW time! :)
Let's all give a big congrats to Behappy80! He's such a kind penguin to both new and old players and is always willing to help players who are just finding their flippers on the island. If you're ever feeling a bit blue, you can be sure Behappy80 will lend a friendly ear and have a chat with you. P.S. Loving the glasses! :D

You know the score, each winner is rewarded with 10,000 coins along with the totally brill POTW background! Don't forget to nominate your friends for the next Penguin of the Week by leaving your submissions in the comment section below. Just so you know, there won't be a POTW post next week because I'm taking a short break, but we'll be back up and running on the 15th August. :)
-Club Penguin Team
Want to become Penguin of the Day? Well now you can! Just click the link presented in the article above, tell Club Penguin in a brief summary why you should be Penguin of the Day, and with a click of a button your nomination is in! Featured penguins receive 10,000 coins and the Penguin of the Week background. Therefore, what are you waiting for? Do you want to be Penguin of the Day or know a Penguin that deserves it? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.
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