Halloween Party 2011 cheats

 The island is now filled with spooky ghosts and monsters. The Halloween party has arrived and with it tons of new cheats. Inside the haunted house every one can pick up the ghost costume, even nonmembers. The Haunted house is open to scare every penguin this year.
  Members ar able to waddle to the dark chamber if they dare! Here's how to do it:
 Waddle into the dark chamber and match the colored bubbles that come out of the rocks with the colors on the keyboard, then you to it three more times to get the door open.
 The door should open, now onto the next part of the dark chamber.
 Now pick up the storm lantern to get around through the two mazes! An even easier way to do it is to put on your NV goggles. Here's what it looks like with then on.
  Now you will end up at the monster room! Members remember to pick up the free swamp monster costume.

There is even a new monster making catalog! Here's how to get the secret items:

                   To find the mummy costume click on the M in monster.
        To find the raven wings click on the K in maker!
 This year's Halloween party is super spooky! Have a fun time time trick or treating at Halloween. What was your Favorite part of the 2011 Halloween party. Let me know by leaving a comment!


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