Gpumpkins 10,000 hits party and giveaway details

 As you know Club Penguin cheats and guide by Gpumpkin has reached 10,000 hits! Whoa! That's amazing! To celebrate 10,000 hits I'm doing a party and even a giveaway! Here's the party details:)
Here are the party and giveaway details:)
               Date:January 7th
               Time: 12:30 PST
               Server: Deep snow
               Room: Snow Forts
               Giveaway time: 1:15 PST
 I hope you can make it to the party! Want to be a V.I.P at my 10,000 hits party? Just comment!
Here is the list of the V.I.P's:

  • Tip1100
  • Commdergree8
  • Azeemsky
  • Dhi228
  • Gttiqw
  • pingypongy02
  • Holmes 2012
  • Violetrock1
 Are you excited for my 10,000 hits party! Are you coming to the party? Let me know by leaving a comment!


tip11000 said...

can i be a V.I.P my penguin name is tip11000

Gpumpkin said...

Of course you can tip11000!

CommderGree8 said...

Hey Gpumpkin, Can I be a V.I.P. My name is Commdergree8.


AZEEMSKY said...

I will try to win giveaway and i can be V.I.P.

dhi228 said...

Hey can I be a V.I.P? Sorry about arguing with you the other time.

Gpumpkin said...

Of course you can dhi228, and its ok.


dhi228 said...

Hey Gpumpkin,do you know the time for Singapore because if the party is at 12:30 afternoon PST,I can't come as it will be like 3 or 4 am for me.

Gpumpkin said...

It would be 4:30 AM for you, it's ok if you couldn't make it. Next time I'll do my next party at a later time. There may still be some codes left in the giveaway possibly.


GttiqwT said...

Hey Gpumpkin i was wondering could i be a V.I.P?

GttiqwT said...

Hey Gpumpkin also go check out my website at:

Gpumpkin said...

Yes you can be a v.i.p gttiqw. Thanks for commenting, I really like your website!


Pingypongy02 said...

What happens if I'm a vip??
Can I become One ANYWAY?
I'll try my best to come!
In the summer holidays I am having a party!! I will try to tell you about it. Best of luck, Pingypongy02

Gpumpkin said...

You can be one pingypongy02! I hope you can make it, it'll be a blast! I can't wait to hear more about your party!


Anonymous said...

this is Penguin name Holmes 2012 can i be one of the V.I.P

Gpumpkin said...

I'll be glad to make you a V.I.P Holmes 2012!


Anonymous said...

Hi can i be a V.I.P? my penguin name is Violetrock1

Gpumpkin said...

You can be a V.I.P violetrock1. Thanks for commenting.


Pingypongy02 said...

Hope your party is the best yet.
[Between you and me, I Go to lots of parties, so if I can't come, It's that I'm busy or just that I forgot.]
Hope to see you at the party,

CommderGree8 said...

Gpumpkin's party is today. I can't wait for it.


Pingypongy02 said...

Hey, Gpumpkin! I could not come to your party and you should know why, I wasn't up early enough.I was up at 9 AM it started At 8 AM. Sorry I could not come....

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